The most powerful Pinterest downloader ever made.

Pin Toolbox is a Google Chrome extension for Pinterest power users, that lets you download or print full-resolution images & videos in bulk from any board.

+  Add to ChromeDesktop Chrome browser required.

⚑️ Features πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ


πŸ“ Bulk-download entire Pinterest boards

πŸ“ Bulk-download entire Pinterest boards

Pin Toolbox can download 1000s of your full-resolution Pinterest images & videos to a single .zip or .pdf on your computer. Saving you time and letting you get back to what you love.

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πŸ–ΌοΈ Print any Pinterest board

πŸ–ΌοΈ Print any Pinterest board

Pin Toolbox can generate print-ready PDFs for you - so you can get your moodboards printed and out into the real world. Easily, with no fuss.

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πŸ€– Automatic file naming and numbering

πŸ€– Automatic file naming and numbering

Pin Toolbox automatically gives your files descriptive names, and numbers them. For example, 1. Orange Curtains.jpg and 2. Dance Video.mp4. It makes editing your images in Photoshop, or chopping videos in Premiere, a breeze. Hello, no-hassle editing.

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How to install Pin Toolbox

Pin Toolbox

Pin Toolbox works with the Google Chrome web browser. It works on Mac or PC, but not phones or tablets (yet!)

To get started you can install it from the Google Chrome Web Store.

It’s free to try in feature-limited demo mode. See the pricing page for more info.

Try Pin Toolbox for free πŸ‘‡

+  Add to ChromeDesktop Chrome browser required.